Facilities - Village Hall

Chop Gate Village Hall
Chop Gate Village Hall
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This is the quick tour

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One of our main attributes as a Community Hall is the parking. We are situated in the centre of a large car park which we share with the North Yorkshire National Park Authority (for those using the village hall the parking is free). There are not many village halls that have the parking we do.
We have a large hall which has a capacity of 280 people though we would not recommend that number if having tables and a meal. For a wedding meal we would suggest about 120 places (this can be increased with attached marquees).
The meeting room has a capacity of 80 but the same applies as above.
There is a small kitchen with oven, fridge and microwave.
The stage is about 2 metres deep but this can be extended to to 4 metres. There is stage lighting and curtains are available for the stage (when extended).
There is a sound system which is good for speeches and backgound music but is not suitable for a disco.
There is mood lighting in the hall which can be set to the desired colour and brightness.

As of the 1st January 2025 we are adopting a new pricing scheme. There are three hire periods available. These are as follows:

Short hire up to 3 hrs          Locals (withing Bilsdale) - £30        Non-local - £60
Medium hire - up to 6 hrs                                           - £60                        - £120
Full hire - up to 12 hrs                                                - £100                       - £200
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